A Guide on Studying

Hello all! Sorry for leaving bookstagram for so long, i’ve been caught up with school and family business and the blog totally slipped my mind. Anyway, since i’ve spent 90% of my time studying for the past month, I thought i’d set up a little guide for my favourite nerds. This post will explain how to make your study time more bearable, which definitely helps in the long run!

Supply a Beverage –


I found that having something to drink on hand is imperative to keeping focus while studying. Usually i’ll have some tea or a coffee, in the summer it’ll be ice tea or juice, but whatever works for you is fine. Just to have something there is important because it prevents you from constantly getting up to find a drink and procrastinating your work. 

Classical Music –


I’ve been using this trick as long as I can remember – it works for literally anything. Whether I’m just reading or doing homework, listening to classical music really helps me to concentrate. My usual playlist consists of Yo-Yo Ma and Johann Sebastian Bach, with a variety of other pieces as well. It’s really helpful for filtering out background noise but doesn’t distract you from the task at hand. I’ve tried listening to music with vocals one or twice and it’s hopeless, I find myself getting too immersed in the song or unable to continue working. This will definitely help you if you’re easily distracted or have a hard time settling into your study.

Study Hideout – 


Coming from a big family has taught me that finding a quiet place is pretty difficult, but solitude is important if you want to reach your full study potential. Having a study group is fine because you’re all working toward the same goal, but trying to revise your notes in the dinning room with your whole family is a bit different. Somewhere peaceful outside or your bedroom are good places to set up shop, but try and avoid crowded rooms and loud atmospheres. 

Take Breaks –


I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! Studying for five hours straight isn’t going to benefit you at all; you won’t remember the content, you’ll exhaust yourself and you won’t want to continue studying the next day. Take it slowly – study for half an hour, take a ten minute break and then return. Your mental health is more important than any achievable grade, so pushing yourself to the point of a break-down is inexcusable. I’ve done this a few times and it was horrible, I was unable to sleep and was barely functioning throughout most of my exams. If you want to do your best, you need to learn your limits and stay within them, don’t push yourself to the standards of your parents or friends. As long as you’ve done your best, you can’t expect any more of yourself :).

Have Confidence in your Abilities –


Steve Carell is right, you are Beyonce and you will achieve great things! The most important thing about studying is to n0t doubt your abilities; if you spend the whole time telling yourself that you’re stupid, you’ll start to believe it. You’re not an idiot, you’re smart in your own way and have many different talents. People are good at different things – you may be terrible at graphing but can recite the whole periodic table from the top of your head. I’m atrocious at maths but could write you essays until my hand falls off. Remind yourself of the things you’re good at, but don’t give up on the things that you aren’t. It’s important to keep trying, even if you fail you can always start again. 

I hope my mini study guide has helped a few of you, these tricks have saved me over the last few years and I’m so thankful for them! 

A most bookish of regards,

The Book Owl.



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